Saturday, November 23, 2019

Staying Healthy at SLIG

It sometimes feels like SLIG is an incubator for illness  (We’ve all heard the stories of the year of SLIGNESS). When you bring together a large group of people from various places around the world, sitting for five days in rooms together, it’s only natural that some crud goes around. I’ve been fortunate that I have not gotten sick at SLIG – but every year, about two days after I get home, I get really ill and crash for at least two weeks!! Happens every year and I haven’t figured out why.
Through the years, I’ve heard a variety of tips from people about staying healthy and thought I’d share what I’ve heard.
  • Start by staying healthy on the plane. It’s been suggested that you make sure the blower above you is turned off since it’s just blowing re-circulating (I.e. germy) air on you. Makes sense but of course the other passengers have their blowers on blowing that germy air around.
  • If you are really concerned, wear a mask. Some folks bring a mask to wear in SLC. If there is an inversion, the air quality can be bad  and a mask may help. This is especially important if you have any respiratory issues.
  • Drink lots of water. The climate is drier than many of us are used to.
  • You are also in a higher altitude than many of us are used to so walking can sometimes be a challenge. Just take things easy and tell your walking partners to slow down.
  • Some folks take extra Vitamin C .
  • Bring along a small humidifier for your room.This has really helped me a lot.The hotel also has a few room sized humidifiers available for rent.
  • Make sure you have plenty of unscented lotion and lip balm. (Please be considerate of others and wear unscented only.)
  • Wash your hands!!! WASH YOUR HANDS!!! WASH YOUR HANDS!!! (Use a hand sanitizer too.)
  • Get plenty of rest. Don’t try to cram everything into the week. I will sometimes come back to my room during lunch and take a short nap. It helps keep my energy level up. I also make sure I’m trying to get to bed at a decent hour.
  • Remember that for most of us there is a time change so plan to let yourself get used to the different time zone. I find arriving a couple of days early to work in the library really helps me. By the time SLIG starts, I am pretty used to the time change.
  • Eat healthy.
  • If you are sick, wear a mask and keep your distance from others please.
  • If you get sick and need some assistance, please reach out to the SLIG staff.
Things happen during the week – someone might need a trip to the dentist or urgent care or whatever. Local folks can direct you to the nearest drug store (just a couple of blocks away), or recommend a dentist.
Here’s hoping we all have a fun, healthy SLIG experience.