Sometimes you stumble on the most interesting things. I'm working my way through finding information for a CHARLES HOBBS. I believe his parents were THOMAS HOBBS AND PHOEBE. (Waiting on certificates to see what confirmation I can find.) His grandparents may be JOHN HOBBS and ANNE. Lots of maybes.
As I was reviewing the 1841 Census results, I did additional searching for the HOBBs family in BERKSHIRE COUNTY, ENGLAND which is where Charles Hobbs lived in 1841. In the small town of STANFORD DINGLEY where Charles lives, there is a record for Thomas Hobbs and Phebe Hobbs, both aged 50. This would make them about the right age for Charles' parents and since they are living very close to Charles Hobbs, for now I am thinking they are likely to be his parents. (Yes I have work to do to actually confirm this.)
The next thing I did was a search for other Hobbs in the county in the 1841 census. I stumbled on an ANN HOBBS. Remember, I believe that the grandmother of Charles was named Ann. So I was very interested in this record. She was 80 in the 1841 census and living with a Benjamin Thorn, aged 20 and Elizabeth Thorn, aged 30 and Henry Thorn, age 1 month. There was also a Martha Lawrence, aged 8 listed in the household. I assumed that, despite the 10 year age difference that Benjamin and Elizabeth were husband and wife.
The 1851 census confirms this. It lists Benjamin Thorn living with his wife Elizabeth, the child Henry plus some other children. It also lists Martha Lawrence, aged 20 and lists her as Daughter-in-law. I know this cannot be true as she was living with them at aged 8 in 1841 and couldn't possibly be anyone's daughter-in-law. My hunch was that she was Elizabeth's daughter, either by a first marriage or born out of wedlock. (Especially since Elizabeth Thorn was 10 years older than her husband.)
A search of Berkshire parish records finds a marriage record 26 January 1840 in Tilehurst Berkshire for Benjamin Thorn, full age, bachelor and Elizabeth Laurence, full age, widow of this parish. It lists the Bride's father as James Hobbs (this isn't the father I think she should have but I'll have to see where this takes me). Witnessed by Joseph Egleton and Eliza Fisher (who married each other in August 1840). So Elizabeth was a widow and I am assuming that Martha was her daughter. (Quick birth record search for Martha has not been successful so I'm kind of puzzled at that.)
So because Ann Hobbs was living with Benjamin and Elizabeth Thorn, my next hunch was that Elizabeth is her daughter. A search of marriage records, find a marriage record for John Lawrence, bachelor and Elizabeth Hobbs spinster 10 January 1829 in Tilehurst, Berkshire, England. No parents are listed unfortunately but I suspect that I'll find my hunch is correct - that Ann Hobbs is Elizabeth Hobbs Lawrence Thorn is her daughter. Now I need to find a connection to Charles Hobbs.
I found another piece of the puzzle perhaps. Parish Birth record for Elizabeth Hobbs, b. 17 June 1810 to John and Ann Hobbs. It was in Hambledon, Hampshire, England. So we've got a totally new county here. But it is close to Berkshire so not out of the realm of possibility.
Lots of pieces to try to tie together if at all possible. I could have several false leads and red herrings but they all give me places to check and lots of hints are better than none at all.
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