BIRTH DATE: Frank was born in November 1824 according to the 1900 census, family members state he was born 4 October 1823. The 1895 Iowa census puts his birthdate at 1829. And the possible arrival record I have for him gives his birthdate as 1826.
BIRTH LOCATION: Passenger list states they came from Hungary. 1895 census states he is Bohemian. 1900 census states he is Austrian. 1905 census does not state place of birth. Son Michael Philip's naturalization papers list Austria as place of birth.
MARRIAGE DATE: Frank was married to Barbara (Cernowski, Chrinstota??) in the "old country". According to the 1900 Census, they were married for 46 years which means their marriage date would be 1854. Family lore says they were engaged for 7 years and were in their 30s when married.
ARRIVAL IN THE US: The 1900 census listed his arrival in the US at 1893. He was obviously here by 1895 as he is listed in the Iowa State Census. A New York Passenger List found in 1893 shows a Franz Martnick age 67, Barbara Martnick, age 56 and Michaly Martnick, age 16 arriving on the S.S. Lahn. I suspect this could be accurate for several reasons.
- The 1900 census information listed Michael Philip's arrival in 1893.
- On Michael Philip' naturalization record, he states he was 16 when he arrived.
- Family lore again says the name was probably Martinek or something similar before it became Martin.
- Franz and Barbara are the correct ages.
- Origination is listed as Hungary. Again, family lore says they were Bohemian/Austrian and moved to Hungary.
Some things that are possibly conflicting include:
- Frank is not noted as Franz in any other records.
- No mention on this record of their other three sons. Michael is the youngest. The others most likely traveled separately.
- Family lore states that Frank emigrate to avoid military conscription. At age 67 this was highly unlikely but it might explain why they possibly moved from Austria to Hungary early in their lives. Or perhaps they emigrated to assist Michael Philip in avoiding military conscription?
- The 1900 census lists their arrival in 1895.
DEATH DATE: Frank is listed in the 1905 Iowa census. There is no record in the 1910 census. There does not appear to be a death record or cemetery record. Frank is not listed in the St. Mary's Cemetery census in Albia which is where the rest of the family members appear to be buried. Is there any possibility that Frank and Barbara went back to the old country?
This is not a family that left many records behind. And at this time they continue to be a mystery.
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